Appointments Entities

Previously, we had imported appointments data (financial aid, advising, and welcome weekend) from Navigate into Slate using single value free-text application-scoped fields, under the pretense that an applicant would have one appointment date/time for each of the appointment types. However, over time we came to realize that there is value in providing staff with more context around cancelled/no-show appointments, as well as including comments from the financial aid counselors and advisors about the attended appointments. Migrating from the three application-scoped fields (appointment date, time, attended (Y/N)) to entities-scoped fields/entity rows significantly enhanced the appointments data available to the staff in Slate. The appointments data lives as an application tab on the right-hand sidebar and is displayed as a table sorted by appointment date (descending). When staff click on the table rows it opens a pop-up with additional appointments information including cancellation reasons/comments, and a summary of the attended appointments.